Creating custom dojox.dtl filters


Dojo’s implementation of the Django Template Language (DTL) is pretty convenient for client-side templating in Dojo applications. However, sometimes you need to customize formatting of values, or add other custom logic to it. Using a filter for this purpose is quite convenient, but Dojo’s implementation is completely undocumented as to how you would add your own. Turns out it’s actually …

11 common Dojo gotchas


Dojo is a great JavaScript toolkit, but it’s not perfect: It has a couple of gotchas that can be hard to debug just based on the error (or the lack of it). To rectify this, here’s a list of some common mistakes and their solutions. It’s usually good to just go through each of these if you can’t figure out …

Drawing diagrams with JavaScript


Opera was holding another widget competition, this time for more desktop application type of widgets. I was working on a widget as well, but sadly did not have enough time to complete it. Part of this was due to problems that I ran into in development. The widget was going to be an easy to use diagram editor. I managed …

Using Dojo’s dijit widgets for simple controller/view layers


More complex JavaScript applications benefit from the MVC pattern just like other sorts of applications. Just like for other sorts of applications, there are dedicated MVC libraries for JavaScript, such as JavaScriptMVC. Dojo, in my opinion one of the most powerful and flexible JS libraries, can be easily adapted to provide a reasonably well working MVC scheme, so why use …