2012 – Mayans beware


As I’ve been doing before, here is some statistics from the year 2011 and some other random stuff!

Blog stats for 2011

Comparing to last year, the visitor stats remained pretty much the same, with 201 499 visits and 267 478 page views.

The top five posts were:

  1. Handling errors in Zend Framework
  2. Zend_Acl part 1
  3. Zend_Acl part 3
  4. Using canvas to do bitmap sprite animation in JavaScript
  5. Zend_Form decorator tips

Zend Framework content is still the king here it appears. In fact, the Zend_Acl series and the error handling post have been in the top five for three years in the row now! Zend_Form decorator tips was also in the top 5 back in 2009, and while it was not in the top 5 in 2010, it was still in the top 10.

The completely new and surprising comer is the post on bitmap sprites. It was not in the top 10 in the previous years, not close to it at all. So why is it here this year? My guess is that because of the sudden HTML5 boom of late, people are looking more and more into using canvas for their games or animation purposes.

All of the top five posts were (again) older content, written in 2009 except the decorator one which is from 2008. The most popular post I’ve written in 2011 turned out to be my take on the discussion on fat controllers and models, which ranked on place #28.

Personal stuff for 2011

Last year I mentioned starting a new job, well, I’m still there and probably still going to stay for the foreseeable future.

In December I also launched my nodejs application, Battlefield 3 Web Commander. You can read a bit about it here. It’s probably the biggest personal project I’ve had for a while. We’ll see what comes of it in the long run :)

As for the blog, I’m hoping to have some more stuff to post here than last year, but we’ll see. I do have a few posts planned, but I’m not sure if I can top my best year of 2009 when I had time to post more than once a week.