Best of 2009


In the tradition of end of the year posts, here’s some “best of” statistics from this blog for the year 2009.

Next week we will return to our regular programming.

Most popular posts

The top 5 most popular posts for this year are:

  1. Zend_Acl part 1: Misconceptions and Simple ACLs
  2. Zend_Acl part 3: Creating and storing dynamic ACLs
  3. Doctrine vs Propel
  4. Handling errors in Zend Framework
  5. Zend_Form decorator tips

Doctrine vs Propel seems very popular, even though it’s getting slightly out-dated. It was in 2008’s top 5 as well.


According to Google Analytics, this blog had 232,805 visits and 335,823 pageviews this year. That’s more than twice as much as last year (81,027 visits, 119,024 pageviews), so I’m quite happy about the figure!

I might go as far as claim that my blog is one of the most popular IT-related blogs written by a finnish person. Too bad there’s very little reliable data available on that, but from my empiric research I’d say it may not be completely untrue (feel free to provide statistics if you know of any) – however I have very few visitors from Finland, a mere 1% of the total.