Best of 2009


In the tradition of end of the year posts, here’s some “best of” statistics from this blog for the year 2009. Next week we will return to our regular programming.

Vim / Opera tip: Open highlighted text in Vim


Here’s a quick tip for Opera and Vim users: How to add a menu item which allows you to quickly open highlighted text on a web page in Vim. This trick can be applied with any other application too, like <insert your favorite editor>

Rewriting TankWar: Assessing the damage


I have decided to rewrite TankWar, and I’ll be writing a bunch of blog posts about the process. If you ever wanted to know how to write a scorched earth/worms-like game using just JavaScript, now is your chance to learn ;) This is the first one: Assessing the damage. In other words, take a look at the old code and …

Git interactive rebase tips


Interactive rebase is one of my most used Git commands. It’ll let me slice and dice commits in various useful ways. Here’s a few tips for you to unleash the true potential of rebase :) Basics: editing, combining, reordering and removing commits Breaking a commit into two Taking a part of a commit and bringing it to HEAD Bonus! How …

TankWar has online mode again: This time on Opera Unite


You may recall an earlier post about TankWar, my 100% JavaScript cannons-game. Back when I wrote it, I included online play, but the server went down with a hard disk failure. Now, I have rewritten the online mode – this time that part is also all JavaScript – continue reading to find out what makes it tick.